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- Cover sheet
- The name of the business case
- Responsible
- Expected date of project initialization
- Date of project completion
- Date of business case approval
- Expected revenues
- Estimated cost
- Expected profit
- Expected profitability in % (Profit / Revenues)
- Brief specification - describe what the case is about and WHY. If necessary, refer to external sources.
- Risks
- Risk description
- Probability, that the risk will occur
- Impact - the severity of the impact of the risk
- Size threats - calculated as Probability x Impact.
- Expected revenues divided into direct project and future revenues. Revenues are entered in the structure
- Revenu specification
- number of units
- Revenue per unit
- Revenues total
- Costs divided into business costs, project costs and other costs. Costs are entered in the structure
- Cost specification
- number of units
- Cost per unit
- Cost total
- Date of last revision
- Approved by - the name of the approver of the business case
Avoid over-optimism, especially on the revenue side. While costs can often be determined relatively accurately, with revenues the situation is more difficult and often slides to unrealistically optimistic estimates. Be critical of the inputs you receive in a business case.